Les 'points Team' sont attribués selon l'adéquation de la solution avec le type d'innovations recherchées par Team for the Planet. Ils correspondent à l'analyse de plusieurs facteurs :
Soumises à évaluations : Après avoir été pré-filtrées afin de vérifier qu’elles répondent bien à l’un des 20 problèmes traités par Team for the Planet et qu’elles ont le degré de maturité attendu, les innovations sont soumises à évaluation.
Turning a CO2 liability into a profitable opportunity sustaining life on earth.
1. Climate change; 2. Substitution of animal proteins; 3. Substitution of fossils as entrants in fine chemicals industries.
Using microalgae, our equipment recycles CO2 into proteins and fine chemicals for food, feed, and chem industries. We have optimized the energy transfer, the key driver of productivity and costs, so that the process is industrial (large loads of co2), competitive (against substituted products) and profitable (productivity 200x higher than the competition).
Food, feed and fine chemicals industries looking for renewable entrants.
The key driver towards an industrial use of microalgae is the transfer of photonic energy to algae growing in a controlled confined environment. We have patented high productivity, low cost, consistent quality, and high throughput equipment that provides disruptive efficiency in the transfer of energy. All that current producers are looking for.