Les 'points Team' sont attribués selon l'adéquation de la solution avec le type d'innovations recherchées par Team for the Planet. Ils correspondent à l'analyse de plusieurs facteurs :
Soumises à évaluations : Après avoir été pré-filtrées afin de vérifier qu’elles répondent bien à l’un des 20 problèmes traités par Team for the Planet et qu’elles ont le degré de maturité attendu, les innovations sont soumises à évaluation.
Innovator in wave energy conversion.
Reduce emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels with the use of highly efficient technology for converting the energy of the motion of the sea waves.
Generma has developed and patented a technological solution suitable for exploiting wave energy with high efficiency.
Wave farms or co-production with existing wind farms; Oil platforms for replacing diesel generation or decommissioning platforms for changing their intended use; Minor islands not connected with national grid.
The technical approaches used by other companies to develop their own technology have mainly been based on different conversion systems: point absorbers, terminals, overtopping devices, etc. Generma differs from everyone because today it is one of the few companies to use the attenuation mode: a conversion technique with one of the highest degrees of efficiency.