Actionnaire depuis le 02/12/2023
PhD Student in Green IT - Datacenter
"You know, I'm a modest IT girl with basic routine : drawing, coding, being healthy, yoga, stressing about everything, overconsumming coffee, thinking about being a tibetan monk at each burn-out, being the therapist of my friends..."
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help_outline(I suppose that lower my eco-anxiety is not the good answer) Come on, I assume you're neither Uncle X saying climate crisis will not happen because "science, dahh", nor an investor in a petrochemical industry : we're all here for the same reason, probably by doing the same thing. You already reduced your waste, monitored every gram of carbon you emited, and pissed off your family every time they bought too much meat. It will be our dirty little secret : you can check off one of the last boxes on your green to-do list, you deserves it, comrade. :) Fangirl of Jancovici btw.