IT Solution Architect
Son entreprise : Private company limited by shares Sarl Crossdev Consulting
1 collaborateur·ice actionnaire
"As an IT specialist and IT Solution Architect, I am acutely aware of the challenges of climate change. I firmly believe that only collective intelligence can enable us to overcome the challenges of the climate crisis. For me, science and technology are not only tools of my trade, but also essential levers to help humanity navigate towards a sustainable future."
Actionnaire via structure
help_outlineCofondateur / Cofondatrice
help_outlineComité scientifique
help_outlineDirigeantes et dirigeants
help_outlineConseil de surveillance
help_outlineComète leader
help_outlineÉvaluateur, Évaluatrice
help_outlinePlanète Leader
help_outlineI join Team for the Planet because I'm passionate about the fight against climate change. Their innovative approach, based on collective intelligence and science, convinced me. As a shareholder, I'll be able to actively contribute to financing sustainable solutions and measure the real impact of my investments thanks to Climate Dividends.