Château LeMien

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empowering French organic vineyards and the global community with green blockchain tech

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Date de soumission 25 octobre 2023 Fondateurs Sachie Takahashi Lieu de développement Paris, France

Le projet en détails

NB : cette fiche est intégralement remplie par les personnes proposant l’innovation.

Quel est le problème résolu ?

- Numerous French organic wine producers face challenges with cash flow and customer acquisition. - Vineyard investments have traditionally been limited to the wealthy.

Comment est-il résolu ?

We tokenize organic French vineyards, democratizing ownership for the global community with the help of green blockchain technology. Additionally, we optimize logistics and support eco-responsible business expansion.

Qui sont les clients potentiels ?

Our partnership targets are high-quality French organic wine vineyards, and our customer focus is initially on Japan, with expansion into the broader Asian market.

En quoi cette solution est-elle différente ?

- Addresses cash flow & customer acquisition challenges for French organic wine producers - Offers democratic French vineyard investment opportunity in Asia - Diverse international team with experience in web3 tech, entrepreneurship, & wine industry - Robust support from France's leading blockchain, Ternoa, for tech, community engagement, marketing, and business networks.