Château LeMien

Recibidas : Estas son todas las innovaciones que Team for the Planet ha recibido a través de su formulario de presentación de innovaciones

empowering French organic vineyards and the global community with green blockchain tech

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Fecha de presentación 25 de octubre de 2023 Fundadores Sachie Takahashi Urbanización Paris, Francia

El proyecto en detalle

Nota: este formulario debe ser cumplimentado en su totalidad por las personas que proponen la innovación.

¿Qué problema se ha resuelto?

- Numerous French organic wine producers face challenges with cash flow and customer acquisition. - Vineyard investments have traditionally been limited to the wealthy.

¿Cómo se resuelve?

We tokenize organic French vineyards, democratizing ownership for the global community with the help of green blockchain technology. Additionally, we optimize logistics and support eco-responsible business expansion.

¿Quiénes son los clientes potenciales?

Our partnership targets are high-quality French organic wine vineyards, and our customer focus is initially on Japan, with expansion into the broader Asian market.

¿En qué se diferencia esta solución?

- Addresses cash flow & customer acquisition challenges for French organic wine producers - Offers democratic French vineyard investment opportunity in Asia - Diverse international team with experience in web3 tech, entrepreneurship, & wine industry - Robust support from France's leading blockchain, Ternoa, for tech, community engagement, marketing, and business networks.