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9 companies bought shares last week Buy my shares Learn more

33.245.013 €

ya recaudados* * Capital + committed subscriptions

Sobre 40.000.000 €

Queda 2 meses, una semana y un día para lograr este objetivo.

This investment is not intended to have a financial return in the medium term. It involves risks of loss of the entire invested capital, high dilution (shares issued at par value) and low liquidity. See all risks

To be clear, you will not get your investment back, it will be entirely dedicated to financing innovations fighting against greenhouse gases. However, you are not risking any more money than what you invested!

Your investment steps.

Learn more about investing in Team for the Planet

Our key account managers are available to answer all your questions.

You can buy as many shares as you wish.


Secured signature and subscription on the website

Fill out the form and sign a subscription form for your shares. Everything is done online.

Payments by credit card are done online when signing the subscription form. We will send our bank account details by email if you want to pay by bank transfer.


Share your commitment with your communities

You are one of Team for the Planet's corporate shareholders.

You can share your commitment using our dedicated communication kit.


Team for the Planet's shareholder status


Your rights

As a Team for the Planet shareholder, you have the power to decide! All major decisions, such as the choice of innovations to be financed, are voted in General Meeting.


No duty

Becoming a Team for the Planet shareholder doesn't commit you to anything, and isn't linked to any legal duty. Well, we'd really appreciate it if you could talk about us around you, but then again, only if you feel like it!


What do you get back?

Financially? Nothing for now! All the money generated by Team for the Planet's innovations is reinvested in innovations. However, you will possess Climate Dividends, a measurement of greenhouse gas emissions prevented thanks to your investment.

The " legal and accounting " point

Buy my shares

Your company is willing and able to invest:

Your company acquires shares (1 euro per share).

This is not a donation: your company should get its money back (1 euro invested = 1 euro recovered in 10 years).

Your shares are recorded as assets on your balance sheet (they are not an expense, your balance sheet is improved).

Shareholders will never receive financial dividends: IRR=0.

The company is invited to the General Meetings. It can vote to choose the innovations and on governance-related topics.

The company is a limited partner in the Société en Commandites par Action (the French equivalent of a Partnership limited by shares) and therefore bears no risk beyond its contribution.

The journey of your money

You can become a shareholder by investing online on this website.

80% minimum will be invested in innovations that massively reduce greenhouse gases.
(The remaining 20% is for operating costs)

Each funded innovation is deployed in the form of a structure (company or other), which must be profitable through a solid business model, and thus multiply your money.

The added value generated by all innovations is systematically reinvested in innovations.

100% transparency. All of our accounts are public, and all major decisions, such as which innovations we invest in, are made in a General Meeting with shareholders.

Climate Dividends, or how to account for the impact of your investment

1 = 1 ton of CO2 equivalent avoided or captured

As you now understand, you will not receive any financial dividends after becoming a Team for the Planet shareholder.

However, you will receive Climate Dividends every year, which count the number of tons of greenhouse gases reduced or captured thanks to your investment. These Climate Dividends add value to your shares.

They can also be integrated into your extra-financial documents and your tender offers and allow you to address line 15 of scope 3 of your carbon footprint. To learn more about how to integrate them into your carbon accounting, read the official protocol certifying Climate Dividends.

Climate Dividends allow us to accurately measure the results of our actions, and, therefore, your contribution to global carbon neutrality as one of our investors.

Buy my shares

Bonus, on demand, according to your wishes

Your shareholder profile

Want to brag a little for showing the example? Honestly, you deserve it! Complete your shareholder profile to have your dedicated page on Team's website and show your involvement. Well, you can also remain anonymous, it is entirely up to you!

La Galaxia de la Acción

This is the community of Team for the Planet. It's organized around two core values: action and care for one another. You can offer your teams the opportunity to join our Discord server (a forum tool) and they'll find shareholders who share their interests. From whale lovers to marketing pros, there is something for everyone.


Would you like to help out and get a sneak preview of all the innovations submitted to Team for the Planet? Suggest to your teams and your ecosystem that they become assessors and assess the innovations received by Team for the Planet. They don't need to be rocket scientists, we'll train them and give them an assessment framework!

En 4 años y 10 meses,

33.245.013 € recaudados*
123.765 socios/as
7.138 evaluadores de innovaciones
1.602 innovaciones recibidas
13 innovaciones financiadas

* Capital + committed subscriptions

Last companies becoming shareholders

SAS GTEC Normandie

1.000 acciones

7 horas y 15 minutos ago.

Private company limited by shares ES Consultancy Services Limited

5 acciones

8 horas y 54 minutos ago.

SAS Factory 5.42

30 acciones

4 días, 6 horas y 37 minutos ago.

Ver los 123.765 otros/as socios/as arrow_forward
Récord de 2024 ADEME 4.894.405 acciones 8 de abril de 2024
Top investor since our creation ADEME 4.894.405 acciones 8 de abril de 2024
This month's top investor SARL LT INVEST 2.000 acciones 7 de octubre de 2024


Offering free shares, another way to unite.


Do you need to involve your employees in the transition and decarbonization? Rely on pride by offering them Team for the Planet shares. They will be aligned with your commitment!


75% of employees choose to activate them on average, and some even add money! Not activated amounts are invested directly in the company's name.


You can also imagine campaigns with your customers or suppliers to involve all your stakeholders. We are here to help you!

Team for the Planet es la primera empresa que adopta el modelo de 'société à mission' creado por la ley francesa en 2019. Una 'société à mission' se define como una empresa cuyos objetivos sociales y medioambientales están alineados con su finalidad y se mencionan en sus estatutos. Nuestra empresa está totalmente dedicada a la salvaguarda de la humanidad. Nuestra oferta pública de acciones se ajusta a la Autoridad de los Mercados Financieros .

Un Prospecto se pone a disposición del público con motivo de la emisión de nuevas acciones, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 212-1 del reglamento general de la AMF, la Autoridad de los Mercados Financieros.

Risks information

Risk name Occurrence probability Scale Impact
expand_more Risk of not receiving dividends High High High

The purchase of Team for the Planet shares will not systematically result in a return on investment via dividends, as the Company's purpose is to reinvest the sums received from its subsidiaries, whose business model is based on open source, in new equity investments. The Company's articles of association limit dividend distributions in order to devote the profits made to the fight against climate change (Article 29 of the articles of association).

Indeed, the distribution of dividends is statutorily conditional on the occurrence of the following event: A return of the planet's temperature to 0°C, which is understood as the rise in the average temperature of the planet over the last 30 (thirty) years compared to the average temperature of the pre-industrial era (1850-1900), according to the methodology and data communicated by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) or, failing that, on those of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). This condition of limiting global warming to 0°C could be met between 2050 and 2100 according to the IPCC's most optimistic scenario so that no dividend would be distributed to shareholders. Any distribution decided in the event that global warming is limited to 0°C will in any event be limited to 30% of distributable profit and will be followed by a general meeting to decide on the dissolution of the Company leading to its liquidation, in accordance with the provisions of article 30.2 of its articles of association.

expand_more Risk of shareholder dilution High High High

Team for the Planet's shares will be subject to significant future dilution, as the shares are intended to be systematically issued at par value (without share premium, in accordance with Article 9.1 of the articles of association). Dilution materializes when a company issues new shares (example: during a capital increase).

The dilution affects all existing shareholders who do not buy a portion of the newly issued shares. The result for an existing shareholder is that his share in the capital is reduced. This will impact:

  • the voting rights (e.g. to elect the supervisory board and to decide on prior authorizations to be given to the management to make investments); and
  • the dividend entitlement, if any, and the capital gain.
expand_more Risk of non-liquidity of equities High High Medium

As the Company's shares are not intended to be listed and no market is to be organized at the Company's initiative, there is a risk of non-liquidity of the shares subscribed.

Except in the event of succession, liquidation of the joint ownership of assets between spouses or transfer to a spouse, ascendant or descendant, any transfer of shares to a third party, in any manner whatsoever (including by way of universal transmission of assets), is subject to the prior approval of the Management. Any transfer of any nature whatsoever resulting in any third party or shareholder holding directly or indirectly, more than 25% (twenty-five) of the capital or voting rights will be subject to a refusal of approval by the Company.

The transfer of shares does not benefit from any tax advantage for the purchaser.

No statutory or extra-statutory stipulation allows the withdrawal of shareholders from the Company.

The ability to transfer the Company's shares is limited due to the dividend distribution policy.

The Company's shareholders are not entitled to any tax advantage.

expand_more Risk related to the company's business model Medium High Medium
The Company does not have profitability as a priority goal. This results in a low return on the amounts invested by the investor. The Company's income in the form of dividends received from its investments could be modest or only paid out in the medium term. Consequently, the Company does not intend to make a profit and does not intend to distribute dividends.
expand_more Risk related to the potential loss of capital for the subscriber Medium Medium High

The Company's business may generate a risk of losing some or all of the capital invested by its shareholders. This risk is inherent in the Company's business of sourcing, financing, and developing innovations.

expand_more Legal and regulatory risks related to the company's legal form of a partnership limited by shares Medium Medium Medium

Because of the Company's legal form as a Société en Commandite par Actions (Partnership Limited by Shares) and the Articles of Association, the Managers can only be removed by a joint decision of the ordinary General Meeting and the general partner or by the Commercial Court for just cause at the request of any shareholder or the Company. As a reminder, the capital of the general partner, Act for the Planet is held by the Managers of the Company, as well as by Team for the Planet itself.

In addition, this corporate form generates a strong dependence on the general partner due to its veto right on corporate decisions. The Managers' extensive power under the law has been reduced by the articles of association, through limitations on powers (in practice prior authorizations by the Supervisory Board, or even the General Meeting itself) in order, in particular, to reduce the risk of conflicts of interest as much as possible.

expand_more Risk related to the control of cash management and its bank accounts Low Medium Medium

Given the significant level of its cash before the realization of equity investments, the Company is exposed to risk in the event of fraud and has set up a financial flow control system to secure its cash, via internal rules of double signature and daily monitoring of bank accounts by several people. In fact, for any transfer above an amount of €50,000, the Company's bank must obtain double validation, via electronic box and personalized code, from at least two Company Managers before making the transfer.

expand_more Risk related to the Company's financial situation Low Medium Medium

Currently, prior to the completion of the fundraising of this offering, the Company has sufficient net working capital to meet its obligations and cash requirements for the next 12 months.

As the Company has no additional income, its business and financial condition depend on the success of this capital increase. In the event of the economic failure of one or more subsidiaries, there is a risk that the Company will not be profitable. In this event, the Company will have the option of using part of the funds raised to support its subsidiaries in an attempt to achieve longer-term profitability.

As the total expenses that may be incurred are limited by the articles of association to 20% of the funds raised and of the net sales of the previous fiscal year, the Company does not face a risk related to the payment of its expenses.

As the Company has not consumed all of the funds raised in investments or operating expenses (themselves statutorily capped at 20% of the amounts raised and net sales), this provides sufficient cash for the needs of the next 12 months.