"Punkty Team" przyznawane są w zależności od przydatności rozwiązania do rodzaju innowacji, których poszukuje Team for the Planet. Odpowiadają one analizie kilku czynników:
Poddane pod ocenę : Po wstępnym przefiltrowaniu w celu sprawdzenia, czy odpowiadają one na jeden z 20 problemów poruszonych przez Team for the Planet i czy mają oczekiwany stopień dojrzałości, innowacje podlegają ocenie.
A global Zero Emission transfer platform that help travellers reduce their emissions
Tourism and corporate travel accounts for 1.4 billion travellers per year and its growing. Tourists go from airports, using cars to get to attractions and add pollution to cities on top of what is created by the locals. Every decision those travellers do, will have a massive impact on the climate.
Zero intend to offer Zero Emission transports to customers, airlines, hotels & travel brands that help those customers make green decisions. By enable easier access to zero emission options, we can influence millions of travellers every year to reduce their carbon footprint and create cleaner cities
Customers who book through OTA´s, Airlines, Hotels or any other larger travel brand today and that want to reduce their carbon emission while travelling.
Zero is a global platform with coverage in over 100 cities. No other Zero emission transfer platform today offer anywhere near a similar coverage. This makes it a more attractive choice for airlines or travel brands with a global customer base