"Punkty Team" przyznawane są w zależności od przydatności rozwiązania do rodzaju innowacji, których poszukuje Team for the Planet. Odpowiadają one analizie kilku czynników:
Poddane pod ocenę : Po wstępnym przefiltrowaniu w celu sprawdzenia, czy odpowiadają one na jeden z 20 problemów poruszonych przez Team for the Planet i czy mają oczekiwany stopień dojrzałości, innowacje podlegają ocenie.
Creation of a method to collect and transform the cigarette butts into a valuable material
More than 6,000,000,000,000 cigarettes are smoked every year in the world, part of these cigarettes is dispersed in the environment, part disposed of according to conventional methods, with the spread of pollutants, such as nicotine, or CO2.
Turning cigarette butts into bio-carbon, a material useful for different purposes, as an agricultural soil conditioner, pigment or as a support for technical materials such as catalysts and electrodes.
Virtuous companies can join the collection of cigarette butts and have a return of image, against an expense for collection and disposal. Bio-carbon produced can be sold for specific uses, such as the production of paint or activated carbon
The project proposes on the one hand the enhancement of the collection of cigarette butts through awareness campaigns and involvement of companies, on the other hand it gives value to a waste by converting it into something useful to the market (which is normally produced with raw materials and not with waste).