Je nachdem, wie die vorgeschlagene Lösung mit den von Team for the Planet angestrebten Arten von Innovation übereinstimmt, werden "Team-Punkte" vergeben. Sie entsprechen der Analyse mehrerer Faktoren :
Bewertung unterliegen : Nachdem die Innovationen vorsortiert wurden, um sicherzustellen, dass sie einem der 20 von Team for the Planet behandelten Probleme entsprechen und den erwarteten Reifegrad aufweisen, werden sie einer Bewertung unterzogen.
RePack is a simple, and global answer to online retail packaging waste.
In 2029 in Europe, 40 billion packages will be delivered. That's as much disposable packaging thrown away! A growth extremely wasteful in terms of resources, CO2 emissions that the recycling industry can not keep up with.
RePack is a reusable and returnable packaging service. It replaces single-use packaging for online retailers and their customers. RePack delivers the goods, and is then sent back via the mailbox for reuse, eliminating the need to produce new packaging and/or manage its waste.
Consumer / User E-commerce, online stores and circular businesses
Unlike other packaging alternatives, RePack truly closes the packaging loop. It has a circular life cycle in a linear industry. RePack stands out because it's a sustainable solution to a real-world problem. Beyond the environmental and economic benefits, the user experience improves since they are freed of futile waste.