Unsere Vision

We evaluate that Mankind is in extreme emergency situation.
The accelerated degradation of animal and plant species, and global warming caused by human activity, poses a major risk of extinction of Life on Earth. Scientists have been alerting us for 50 years on this subject. It is now absolutely necessary to act.


The power of entrepreneurship

We want to bring the entrepreneurship strengths to fight with any citizen engaged in this cause trough association or politics.
Entrepreneurship refers to a capacity to put into action. Its ability to deploy solutions quickly, its political and financial independence and its culture of invention, are tools that must be resolutely used to safeguard the Earth's habitability.


We are fully committed to devoting all the human and financial resources at our disposal to solve this ecological crisis.
Team for the Planet and all of its partners renounce, in their statutes, to share any profits generated. All profits will be devoted to improving, making accessible and developing solutions.

Open source

We must share our research, knowledge and expertise.
To increase the chances of developing a technical solution, we use the principle of sharing these solutions according to the rules of open source. Anyone in the world will be able to access these solutions for free and use them.

Collective intelligence

We believe that we need everyone for that mission and we want to use collective intelligence as a required tool to achieve it.
Our action is multiplied by calling on everyone to help us. This happens by introducing us to an invention, offering us skills, expertise or material and financial means.


Our way of driving energy: frankness, humor and goodwill.

We want to be surrounded by people who are optimistic, hard-working, persevering, and committed to the common good. To do this, we cultivate a state of mind based on extreme trust, frankness and the playing down of situations. Humor is an important part of our daily lives.

We are extremely frank with ourselves and with external people that we support.

Finally, goodwill is the backbone of our business. It is about giving everyone confidence in principle, and only removing it if objective facts lead us to do so. We never interpret the words of each other. We assume that no one is implying anything, and that only what is said objectively must be taken into account.


We claim the need of full transparency in business.
By our commitments,we consider ourselves indebted to everyone involved in such a project. Salaries & accounts of Team for the Planet will be in free access. Moreover, everyone can become shareholder for 1 euro and could participate to votes during general meetings.


We act in line with the fairer world we believe in.
In each of our actions, we intend to actively ensure: gender equality, non-discrimination, impact on the environment, fight against all forms of harassment and all forms of human traffic.