'Team points' are awarded according to the adequacy of the solution with the type of innovations sought by Team for the Planet. They correspond to the analysis of several factors :
Value proposition
Seaturns, c’est la solution fiable pour exploiter l'énergie des vagues.
Système cylindrique de récupération de la puissance des vagues d’une puissance nominale de 200 kW
Lever of actionWave swell is a significant, global and decarbonised energy resource of of around 1000GW. Today, this ressource remains untapped, even though it could allow us to significantly reduce CO2 emissions from global electricity production.
Based on an innovative anchorage and pendulum system, our technology reshuffles the deck of the wave and tidal energy sector. The movement of wave swell creates a permanent air flow that feeds a turbine and a generator. Simple and robust, our technology has the potential to be deployed worldwide
Our solution covers a wide range of electricity needs, from MWh to TWh. It is aimed at: - Large energy providers - Industries with significant energy use - Local and regional authorities - Areas not connected to the network
Our technology makes it possible to have different production systems on the same anchorage. This means that we can respond to all needs while staying competitive and minimising the impact on ocean floors. Our technology has a favourable power/mass ratio. It stands out on account of its robustness and its simplicity. Our technology works on a great number of sites around the world
Création de la société.
Conception du premier prototype à échelle très réduite. Premiers essais en bassin à Nantes pour faire la preuve de concept.
Dépôt de brevet.
Premier test en mer.
Investissement de TFTP.
Vincent Tournerie Fondateur