Received : Here are all the innovations Team for the Planet has received through its innovations submission form

En 2036 = 100% Co2 anthropique capté fixé

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Submission date February 28, 2021 Founders Marc LANCIAUX Development location France

Detailed project

NB: this form is filled entirely by the ones submitting the innovation.

What is the issue addressed?

Stop réchauffement climatique Transition éco environnementale/sociale = possible Alimentation humaine par refertilisation terres stériles Stop : déforestation/désertification Lutte pauvreté

How is the problem solved?

Être techniquement et économiquement capable de capter et fixer 39 GTonnes de CO2 par an dès 2036.

What is the customer target?

L'humanité toute entière

How is this solution different?

100% CO2 capté en 2036 38 GT tonnes Co2 capté/fixés/an Nouvelle économie carbone