Rouguiyatou Maud Diallo Sublet

Socio/a desde el 3/2/2021

Responsable de Compte Inhouse

"Ce que j'aime le plus dans ma vie professionnelle, c'est la diversification des tâches, voir et apprendre des nouveautés. Dans ma vie extra professionnelle, j'aime venir en aide aux personnes qui sont dans le besoin, j'éprouve une grande satisfaction à voir les gens heureux. J'oeuvre beaucoup dans la vie associative, d'ailleurs je suis membre fondatrice de ADDS."


Año de acuñación
2021: el año de las primeras selecciones y creaciones de empresas. Una fecha memorable, porque además de todo eso, ¡marca tu llegada a Time!
Para obtener esta insignia, debes haber adquirido al menos una acción en 2021. Actualmente hay 9403 socios/as que la poseen. There are currently 30068 shareholders who carry it.
¡Cada uno hace su parte y eso cuenta!
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 100 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 6327 socios/as que la poseen. There are currently 36427 shareholders who carry it.
Buzz - word
Para obtener esta insignia, debe poseer al menos 50 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 9974 socios/as que la poseen. There are currently 59041 shareholders who carry it.
¡Animado/a y brillante!
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 10 acciones de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 17072 socios/as que la poseen. There are currently 112056 shareholders who carry it.
Lo que cuenta no es el tamaño, sino el hormiguero.
Para obtener esta insignia, debes tener al menos 1 accion de Team for the Planet. Actualmente hay 18366 socios/as que la poseen. There are currently 126306 shareholders who carry it.
GM June 2021
GM June 2021
When we discovered that GM meant both General meeting and Giant meetup... !
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to all those who attended the General meeting in June 2021 in Lyon. There are currently 39 shareholders who carry it.
Episode 1 season 2 launching
Episode 1 season 2 launching
This event was the very first one of the series (so we hope) of physical events that will punctuate Team for the Planet life. It took place in Lyon, at the Embarcadère on the 18th of March 2022
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to all those who attended Team for the Planet episode 1 season 2 launching event. There are currently 405 shareholders who carry it.
Episode 1 season 2 closing event
Episode 1 season 2 closing event
This episode closing event was attended by 400 people in person on May 20, 2022. A record!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to all those who attended Team for the Planet episode 1 season 2 closing event. There are currently 207 shareholders who carry it.


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    The Shareholders contribute financially to Team for the Planet's development. Any adult of age can become a Shareholder. Legal entities (companies, NGOs, regional governments...) can also become Shareholders.
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    The Gluons' mission is to take care of everyone joining Team for the Planet community. They connect people who have a specific skill need to the ones who can answer this need. They are specially trained for that. Anyone can become a Gluon. But first, they need to follow the Galaxy of Action training:
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    The Co-founders are the people at the origin of Team for the Planet's creation. They worked full-time for two years without receiving a salary, so the project could get off the ground. They built the strategy, defined the core values, and insured the good execution of Team for the Planet.
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    Socio/a via estructura legal

    Socio/a via estructura legal
    The manager of an organization that became a shareholder are the one who decided to become Shareholders via their company, NGO, or any other legal entity.
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    Comite científico

    Comite científico
    The Scientific Committee is key in the selection process. It assesses the technical feasibility of the innovations pre-selected by the Assessors.
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    The Directors, also known as "Keepers", are responsible for the vision, values, and strategy and its implementation. They work in an operational way on a daily basis, each carrying the responsibility for an entire area of development (innovations, fundraising, administration, etc.)
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    Consejo de vigilancia

    Consejo de vigilancia
    The Supervisory Board represents all Team for the Planet's shareholders to the company managers. It constantly controls that the company is correctly managed.
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    Comet leader

    Comet leader
    Les Comètes leaders sont les responsables de groupes de travail spécifiquement créés pour répondre à un besoin ponctuel et précis. Ces groupes peuvent être formés à leur initiative, à celle de TFTP, ou à celles de Quarks. Ils se défont une fois le travail réalisé. Tout le monde peut devenir Comète leader. Pour cela, il faut commencer par suivre une formation de la Galaxie de l'Action:
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    The Assessors are the people in charge of the assessment of the innovations submitted to Team for the Planet. They are specially trained for that. Anyone can become an Assessor. But first, they need to follow the Assessor training:
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    The Quarks are the people helping actively Team for the Planet on a daily basis, by lending a hand in one project or another. They are specially trained for that. Anyone can become a Quark. But first, they need to follow the Galaxy of Action training:
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    The Carers are people trained to welcome new shareholders. They are specially trained for that. Anyone can become a Carer. But first, they need to follow the Galaxy of Action training:
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    Les Relecteurs.rices sont en charge de la correction des contenus textuels que peut publier TFTP. Ils permettent de revoir les fautes de syntaxe, d'orthographe, de grammaire ou de sens. Tout le monde peut devenir Relecteur.rice. Pour cela, il faut commencer par suivre une présentation de la Galaxie de l'Action:
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    The Trainers are people who give out Team for the Planet internal training that allows our community members to get most of the roles described on this page. They are specially trained for that. Anyone can become a Trainer. But first, they need to follow the Galaxy of Action training:
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    Planet Leader

    Planet leader
    The Planet Leaders are the ones making sure the communities helping Team for the Planet(called Planet) are lively places. They are specifically trained for that. Anyone can become a Planet Leader. But first, they need to follow the Galaxy of Action training:

Por qué decidí convertirme en socio/a de Team for the Planet

J'ai des enfants, je sais que l'avenir ne sera pas facile pour eux au rythme où nous allons avec ce dérèglement climatique. Je ne serai peut-être plus là dans 50 ans mais eux si , et quelle sera leur vie. Si je peux mettre ma pierre à l'édifice pour lutter contre ce phénomène, mes enfants seront maybe fiers de moi et ils se diront que j'ai essayé de faire qque chose dans cette bataille planétaire. J'espère que Team for the Planet réussira à sauver le monde par son engagement à lutter contre ce dérèglement climatique. Je mourrai l'esprit tranquille. De plus j'aimerais que l'Afrique puisse ouvrir les yeux grâce à Team for the Planet car ils sont encore loin d'en prendre conscience du problème. Si par ma maigre contribution, je peux aider à la sensibilisation et prise de conscience, quel bonheur pour moi ! "Sopoudrer du bien-être aux gens , c'est ce qui m'anime"

Vous voulez rejoindre Rouguiyatou Maud Diallo Sublet et lutter à grande échelle contre le changement climatique ?