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helping farmers everywhere transition towards synthetic-free food supply with AI

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Data di presentazione 01 dicembre 2023 Fondatori Jerome Goerke Luogo di sviluppo Berlin, Germania

Il progetto in dettaglio

NB: questo modulo deve essere compilato completamente dalle persone che propongono l'innovazione.

Qual è il problema risolto?

Decades of monoculture, driven by synthetics, has resulted in soil degradation, reduced biodiversity and increased economic risk for farmers, particularly in the global south.

Come si risolve?

We've built an AI and data-driven consulting service to support farmers transition towards a synthetic free supply chain. We do it via a global pay-it-forward mechanism that starts by granting high-grade biochar and intercropping/soil guidance to participating farmers in return for field data.

Chi sono i potenziali clienti?

Agricultural consultants, biomarkets, financial institutions, government agencies, precision agricultural firms, data analytics firms, research institutes & agribusinesses in the global north looking to increase yields and capture carbon.

In che modo questa soluzione è diversa?

By mapping Nature, we can give farmers 1) Environmental parameter likelihood % of a crop’s growth 2) Planting pattern (e.g. hexagonal) & spacing down to 1cm 3) Companion and cover crops for pollinator maximisation 4) Soon: Correct biochar/compost mix ratios for their soil type