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helping farmers everywhere transition towards synthetic-free food supply with AI

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Data przedłożenia 1 grudnia 2023 Założyciele Jerome Goerke Miejsce rozwoju Berlin, Niemcy

Projekt w szczegółach

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Jaki problem został rozwiązany?

Decades of monoculture, driven by synthetics, has resulted in soil degradation, reduced biodiversity and increased economic risk for farmers, particularly in the global south.

W jaki sposób został rozwiązany?

We've built an AI and data-driven consulting service to support farmers transition towards a synthetic free supply chain. We do it via a global pay-it-forward mechanism that starts by granting high-grade biochar and intercropping/soil guidance to participating farmers in return for field data.

Kim są potencjalni klienci?

Agricultural consultants, biomarkets, financial institutions, government agencies, precision agricultural firms, data analytics firms, research institutes & agribusinesses in the global north looking to increase yields and capture carbon.

Czym różni się to rozwiązanie?

By mapping Nature, we can give farmers 1) Environmental parameter likelihood % of a crop’s growth 2) Planting pattern (e.g. hexagonal) & spacing down to 1cm 3) Companion and cover crops for pollinator maximisation 4) Soon: Correct biochar/compost mix ratios for their soil type