Je nachdem, wie die vorgeschlagene Lösung mit den von Team for the Planet angestrebten Arten von Innovation übereinstimmt, werden "Team-Punkte" vergeben. Sie entsprechen der Analyse mehrerer Faktoren :
Bewertung unterliegen : Nachdem die Innovationen vorsortiert wurden, um sicherzustellen, dass sie einem der 20 von Team for the Planet behandelten Probleme entsprechen und den erwarteten Reifegrad aufweisen, werden sie einer Bewertung unterzogen.
To upscale and implement REDstack technology to generate sustainable full-continuous power.
To generate large quantities of sustainable and full-continuous power by: - reducing the need for conversion and storage when the sun does not shine or the wind does not blow ; - increasing grid stability and generating sustainable base-load.
REDstack developed the technology and the key component to harvest power out of contacting flows of fresh water and salt water. Wherever a river flows into the sea, or other flows with different salinity meet, significant power can be generated. The worldwide potential is at least 1 TW.
Clients are power companies and large industries, that generate their own power, and are located in deltas.
No conversion or storage is needed. REDstack generates full-continuous power to be supplied to the grid immediately in a flexible way.