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  • Wirkungspotenzial: durchschnittliche Bewertung der Wirkung > 4 => 0,5 Punkte / wenn > 4,15 => 1 Punkt.
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  • Favoritenrolle: Prozentsatz der Bewertungen, die ermessen, dass die Innovation als Top-Innovation eine tiefgreifende Wirkung gegen Treibhausgasemissionen erzielen kann > 20% => 1 Punkt.
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57 Bewertungen

Bewertung unterliegen : Nachdem die Innovationen vorsortiert wurden, um sicherzustellen, dass sie einem der 20 von Team for the Planet behandelten Probleme entsprechen und den erwarteten Reifegrad aufweisen, werden sie einer Bewertung unterzogen.

Consume Cloud infrastructure in a better way, not at the cost of the planet

Der erwünschte Hebeleffekt
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Submission date 14. Februar 2023 Founders Celine Stenson Entwicklungsort Vigo, spain

Das Projekt im Überblick

NB: Dieses Formular wird ausschließlich von den Personen, die die Innovation vorschlagen, ausgefüllt.

Welches Problem wird gelöst?

The facts are simple: there're too many Cloud infrastructures, tools, and automation to manage and govern, Cloud costs are through the roof, and almost nobody cares about the carbon footprint impact of Cloud infrastructures. To sum up, Cloud providers simplified the way to consume infrastructure but at the cost of carbon emissions. To show you the scale of the problem, Cloud computing emissions have overtaken the aviation industry, and companies now must create better, more sustainable cloud practices. Cloud waste has been costing companies billions of dollars for years now. In 2022, organizations spent roughly $490 billion on the cloud. Common estimates suggest that about 30% of cloud spend is wasted, meaning a whopping $147 billion of waste — Organizations are set to spend nearly $600 billion on the cloud in 2023. It is time to take control of our Cloud consumption in carbon footprint at every layer: governance, deployment, FinOps, and GreenOps to decrease carbon emission.

Wie wird es gelöst?

Cycloid improves the developer and end-user experience by allowing anyone to interact with tools, clouds, FinOps, and GreenOps without experts' knowledge. It then improves operational efficiency, gets Cloud infrastructures under control, and decreases significantly Cloud waste and therefore Cloud carbon footprint. Through a sustainable self-service portal, Cycloid provides modules around governance, deployment, operations, FinOps, and GreenOps. Our Cloud Carbon Footprint feature is embedded within our Cloud Cost Management module and displays factual carbon footprint data alongside your cloud costs. Cycloid currently provides real-time data on your cloud carbon footprint, using analogical comparisons for every statistic, adopting a sufficiency/sobriety mindset to stop cloud overspending. We are currently in the process of integrating a Cloud carbon footprint estimation before you deploy a digital project, a recommendation module to help people take the right decision to decrease cloud carbon footprint, and a device to measure Cloud carbon footprint in private datacenters.

Wer sind die potenziellen Kunden?

In terms of customers: any one, from enterprises, System integrator and managed services provider, Startup and scale up to small and medium size company. In terms of persona: any people in an IT department: CTO, CIO, Head of SRE, Cloud sustainability, Head of IT Infrastructure, Platform Engineering team, all the developers, solution architect

Inwiefern differenziert sich diese Lösung von anderen?

According to Gartner, an enterprise requires the use of an average of 27 tools to manage infrastructures, cloud, and automation. How can people manage this? Simple answer: they can't. Cycloid provides a platform to centralize it all in one place, regardless of clouds, tools, and automation you use, it provides concrete actions to get your infrastructure under control and decrease Cloud's carbon footprint. In our FinOps and GreenOps modules, you will get: - Cost estimation and carbon footprint emission before your deploy a new project - Real-time data align with FinOps approach - Multiple cloud providers' data based on independent metrics - Carbon footprint data per project/resource after deployment We're currently planning our next stage: - being able to provide recommendations around Cloud carbon emission to empower all end-user in making conscious cloud consumption choices and therefore avoid waste - create a quota for carbon emissions to make sure that you respect your commitment - create some devices to calculate real-time carbon footprint of private cloud datacenter.