2021: the year of the first selections and companies' creations. A memorable date, because on top of all that, it marks your arrival at Time!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who has acquired at least one share in 2021.
Es wird derzeit von 30068 Aktionären gehalten.
Let's go for the buzz!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who owns at least 50 Team for the Planet shares.
Es wird derzeit von 59334 Aktionären gehalten.
Selfless and brilliant!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 10 Team for the Planet shares.
Es wird derzeit von 112622 Aktionären gehalten.
It's not the size that counts, it's the ant hill!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 1 Team for the Planet share.
Es wird derzeit von 126974 Aktionären gehalten.
Rollen (werden bald aktualisiert)
The Shareholders contribute financially to Team for the Planet's development. Any adult of age can become a Shareholder. Legal entities (companies, NGOs, regional governments...) can also become Shareholders.
Sponsors are legal entities that have financially supported Team for the Planet but could not become a shareholder for one reason or another. Sponsorship doesn't include any reward from Team for the Planet. These entities have no voting rights at the General Meeting.
Mitarbeiter/innen von Micro-entreprise Ac2 Fr Aktionäre von Team for the Planet