SASU Sogelink

Teilhaber*in seit dem 29.10.2020

131 Chemin Du Bac à Traille, 69300, Caluire-Et-Cuire, France

18 collaborators shareholders


If one day someone tells you that you joined Time "to be like everyone else", you can answer them " No way, I was there in 2020. Before it became big!"
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who has acquired at least one share in 2020. There are currently 9494 shareholders who carry it.
You will be remembered!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 10,000 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 236 shareholders who carry it.
You collaborate for the good of the group!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 5,000 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 479 shareholders who carry it.
Impressive what you can build with mere branches!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 2,000 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 1102 shareholders who carry it.
Standing upright for change!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 1,000 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 3978 shareholders who carry it.
Thank you for entrusting us with your nuts for the Planet!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 500 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 7650 shareholders who carry it.
Much more useful at Team for the Planet than in a grinder!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 200 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 14404 shareholders who carry it.
Everyone does their part and it counts!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 100 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 36401 shareholders who carry it.
Let's go for the buzz!
This badge is given as a token of appreciation to everyone who owns at least 50 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 58993 shareholders who carry it.
Selfless and brilliant!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 10 Team for the Planet shares. There are currently 111970 shareholders who carry it.
It's not the size that counts, it's the ant hill!
This token of appreciation is given to everyone who owns at least 1 Team for the Planet share. There are currently 126206 shareholders who carry it.

Rollen (werden bald aktualisiert)

  • done


    The Shareholders contribute financially to Team for the Planet's development. Any adult of age can become a Shareholder. Legal entities (companies, NGOs, regional governments...) can also become Shareholders.
  • clear


    Sponsors are legal entities that have financially supported Team for the Planet but could not become a shareholder for one reason or another. Sponsorship doesn't include any reward from Team for the Planet. These entities have no voting rights at the General Meeting.


Créée en 2000, Sogelink accompagne tous les acteurs de l’écosystème des infrastructures, des chantiers et du patrimoine avec des solutions logicielles, cloud et mobiles. Toutes ses solutions s’appuient sur une plateforme technologique de services notamment d’échanges de flux à très grande échelle. Fin mars 2021, Sogelink et Geodesial Group, acteur majeur dans le domaine de la géomatique et de l’aménagement urbain, ont fusionné afin de proposer une combinaison unique de solutions logicielles innovantes et incontournables, utilisées pour simplifier et optimiser les processus complexes et critiques de l’industrie des infrastructures, des chantiers et du patrimoine. Avec 300 collaborateurs, 34 000 clients et plus de 130 000 utilisateurs, le nouveau groupe ambitionne de devenir un des leaders de la Construction Tech en Europe.

How SASU Sogelink lower their carbon emissions internally

Sogelink a entrepris depuis plusieurs années, différentes actions au quotidien pour réduire son emprunte carbone : plantation d'arbres avec nos clients et collaborateurs lors d'évènements spécifiques ; mise à disposition de nos collaborateurs d’un véhicule de service qui fonctionne avec batterie électrique ; indemnisation en partie des titres de transports pour les collaborateurs se déplaçant en bus, métro, tramway, train ou vélo (ils sont plus d'1/3 aujourd'hui) ; incitation au covoiturage à travers la mise à disposition de places de parking pour les collaborateurs utilisant ce moyen de locomotion ; achat et mise à disposition d'un compost ; suppression des gobelets en plastique à la machine à café ; incitation à privilégier le moyen de transport le plus vert pour les déplacements professionnels dans la mesure du possible...Et bien sûr l'engagement auprès de Team for the Planet ! Plus de la moitié de nos collaborateurs ont choisi de prendre part à l'aventure à nos côtés !

SASU Sogelink collaborators who are Team for the Planet shareholders

Et si comme SASU Sogelink vous luttiez à grande échelle contre le changement climatique ?