Large companies, SMEs, startups, investment funds...
Invest and receive certified proof of your contribution to carbon neutrality every year.
Become a shareholder€800,000
Seaturns: the reliable solution for harnessing the energy of waves
Giving a new lease of life to items that can be reused
Rendre efficiente, universelle et incontournable la traction par kite des navires de toutes tailles.
Potential: Reduce merchant shipping emissions by 20%. If this sector was a country, it would be the world’s 6th biggest emitter.
Producing cold efficiently and sustainably, by replacing hazardous and polluting refrigerants with water.
Potential: Remove fluorinated gases, which represent 2% of global emissions (as much as the aviation sector).
The reality: To stay below 2°C we must quickly reduce greenhouse gas emissions on a global scale.
The first step is to implement actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to your company's activities.
scope 1 scope 2Unfortunately, some emissions are incompressible, and much of your emissions are out of your control (scope 3).
We therefore need to act at a systemic level, by developing and democratizing low-carbon goods and services.
scope 3Buy Team for the Planet shares, or offer shares to your employees to get them onboard as well.
InvestNeed more information?
A minimum of 80% of your investment finances innovations that make a global and massive impact against greenhouse gas emissions.
The other 20% funds operating expenses such as legal fees, salaries, web developments, and more.
We make our accounts transparent. See them here.
We do not pay any financial dividends to our shareholders. All profits coming from funded innovations are reinvested in innovations.
You will receive a precise follow-up of the quantity of greenhouse gases reduced or captured thanks to your investment. This follow-up is materialized by Climate Dividends, which appear in your extra-financial communication.
Each year, you receive Climate Dividends, which correspond to the tons of CO2 eq reduced or captured thanks to your investment. Climate Dividends are certified by a robust and transparent methodology recognized by several major global standards. They’re extra-financial information that allows you to manage your low-carbon investment strategy extremely efficiently.
This accurate reporting can be integrated into your non-financial performance documents.
Investing in Team for the Planet means positioning yourself as a visionary and audacious company. This becomes a comparative advantage that you can show to your customers, your providers, your partners, and employees and use in tenders calls.
Your dedicated page on Team for the Planet website enables you to explain your engagement. It can be integrated into your own digital tools (such as your website or online documents).
More and more citizens are concerned about the issue of climate change, including your own employees. When your company becomes a shareholder of Team for the Planet, we suggest that you also offer shares to them as an incentive or propose they join Team's ecosystem. For example, they can become assessors or volunteer contributors to help the project grow.
Benefit from our communication tools, public events, and content all year round to raise awareness and unite your teams.
We are convinced that companies will lead the rapid and global change we need. Joining Team for the Planet means taking part in a concrete, action-oriented project. In the face of the climate emergency, every company can invest, whatever its size or sector. You can participate at your level in a collective global effort to decarbonize the economy and act in a systemic way.
By communicating your investment in Team for the Planet, you can inspire your entire ecosystem to take action against climate disruption and help create a community of committed investors.
Does that talk do you?
We won't succeed without your help.
Marine Permaculture
92 assessments
Macro-algae forests capture enormous amounts of carbon, re-develop aquatic life and can be harvested to feed the world's population.
68 assessments
Large-scale production of zero-carbon fuel at a cost equivalent to fossil fuels.
21 assessments
Making energy transition possible through massive electricity storage.
already collected* * Capital + committed subscriptionsof €50,000,000
Only 9 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days left to reach this goal.Each year, you will receive the number of Climate Dividends generated by your investment in Team for the Planet.
You will receive Climate Dividends every year, even if you have only invested once.
These Climate Dividends can be used in your extra-financial communication.
One of the particularities of Team for the Planet
Open source enables innovations to spread widely and be available to all humanity. It makes the impact of your investment and your Climate Dividend multiply in global value.